Feng Shui Coaching

Create your ideal space

Through coaching, I provide clarity and support to change over a few sessions
by helping with inspiration, sourcing, and placement. It is a thoughtful process
that gives insight and meaning to your relationship with your space. Working
together over time allows us to go deeper into the process and helps bring
gentle transformation to your environment and life through reflection,
understanding, and vision.

Feng Shui Coaching

Coaching brings gentle change

My client learned the value of releasing things that no longer served her to create a space for mental focus and stability. A Feng Shui awareness now permeates her life. Her small apartment in New York City is an organized, peaceful sanctuary that supports her busy life.





An Apartment Renovation in NY City

I helped my client define the purpose and intention for the renovation of her Manhattan apartment. This combined with the detailed assessment of important Feng Shui points created a plan of action, and helped her see her future space with clarity and a new awareness.

The result: A clear plan and support through out construction, brought forth a new foundation for many positive changes in her apartment and life.

Click below to read the clients’ letter: